Research Opportunities

Research Visitors
The Swire Institute of Marine Science offers three major sources of funding to support researchers wanting to visit SWIMS to undertake research. For enquiries, please contact the Director, Gray A Williams.

Higher Degrees (M.Phil / Ph.D)
Students who are interested in undertaking a research postgraduate degree (M.Phil or Ph.D) in marine biology and ecology should directly contact SWIMS academic staff for more information regarding individual projects.

Student Research Assistantships/Internships
Undergraduate students holding a permanent Hong Kong identity card are encouraged to apply to work as volunteer student research assistants during the semester breaks/summer holidays. Undergraduate students from both local and overseas institutions who are enrolled in a degree programme, which requires the completion of an internship, may also contact us to discuss how we can facilitate that requirement. Interested students should contact SWIMS Secretary, Ms Sylvia Yiu.